CyberSecurity Audit

Security Compliance On Fast Track!

Save time and effort by automating your information security compliance with comprehensive suite of tools and solutions.

ISS TECHNOLOGIES provides platform to meet all your security and compliance need. You don’t have to waste time looking for an auditor for your audits. We provide one platform for scheduling auditors, monitoring and managing your tools, people, and system.

At ISS we show the Benefits of Implementing Information Security Compliance in Businesses

Transform Your SOC Compliance with Automated Platform

Save time and reduce risk with our SOC1 / SOC2 compliance automation solutions.
In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, security is a paramount concern for businesses of all sizes. Cyber threats are constantly evolving, and protecting your online assets is non-negotiable. Fortunately, our platform offers a comprehensive solution to help you fortify your defenses effortlessly. With our platform, you can get up and running in minutes with automated evidence collection through 75+ integrations with your existing tech stack and 20+ editable, auditor-approved security policies. Our team of compliance experts provides pre-mapped controls, automated asset inventory capabilities, pre-built risk assessments, endpoint monitoring, and security training directly in the platform, so you have a single source of audit documentation.

Automate Your ISO 27001 Compliance with our Suite of Tools and Solutions

Save Time and Effort with Comprehensive Automation and Expertise to Streamline Your Compliance Program and Expand Your Global Reach

Book a free consultation

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    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)
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