Digital Transformation

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Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation, mostly misunderstood as a technology initiative, is a customer-first initiative. It is about enhancing the experiences of your customers, partners, and employees. It starts with a simple question –

How do I enhance my customer experiences?

No. It is not. Digital Transformation is a continuous exercise that any organization must undertake as customers demand better and best experiences, partners demand better terms and employees demand better work culture. According to MIT Sloan Management Review – ‘Digital Transformation is better thought of as continual adaptation to a constantly changing environment’.

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What Are The Key Technologies Supporting Digital Transformation?
AI & Automation

Helps enhance current workflows and brings in intelligence and real-time decision-making.

Hybrid Cloud

Provides agility, scalability, and resilience to your IT Infrastructure that is non-disruptive.


Helps analyze meaningful data and improve your products or services to your clients.

IoT (Internet of Things)

It is the interface of digital technology to the physical layer of devices. Helps to enhance real-time decision-making as the data gets generated.


Brings super resiliency, security, and total transaction control to your critical processes.

The Probable Outcomes Of Digital Transformation

In November 2021, IDC predicted that global spending on digital transformation will reach USD 2.8 trillion in 2025, more than doubling since 2020. So why are companies spending on Digital Transformation?

So, Who’s Winning The Race?
Encourage employees and partners to provide continuous feedback via automated, intelligent and secured system.

At ISS, we help you solve this mystery. If you think digital transformation is inevitable for your organization, here’s a quick guide to the steps it takes to deploy it.


Last but not the least, the point to be kept in mind is whether your digital transformation initiatives align with your business strategy. This is important, or else you risk the outcomes becoming irrelevant to your organization.

Talk To Our Expert And We Will Help Carve Out A Complete Digital Transformation Journey That You Can Implement In Stages.

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